All on Four Sytem

Despite significant improvements in preventive dentistry , edentulism is still one of the major public health problem worldwide . Majority of the patients suffering from edentulism have to use dentures due to lack of sufficient bone quality or economical conditions .

All on Four System is a scientifically proven technique that provides edentulous patients with better solution with fewer implants . In other words , all on 4 system allows dentist working with only 4 implants to support full jaw for restoration where as the conventional implant restorations needs 6-8 implants for one jaw.

Apart from that on some cases patients may need additional surgical operations such as sinüs lifting and bone grefting prior to implant placement in order to make space to place 6 -8 implants. By tilting implants All on 4 system avoids these additional operations thus reduces the operation time and post operation effects on patients.

In a brief comparing to conventional restorations ; this technique gives 3 advantages to the patients ;

  1. Lower cost as Only 4 implants would be sufficent to restore full jaw with fixed teeth
  2. Allows immediate temporary teeth loading
  3. Avoids additional surgical operations

So with All on Four System all the patients have a chance to get better smile with lower cost and less pain.