
Root Canal Procedure

If you feel sensitivity or pain when you have cold or hot drink it is highly probable that you have an affected tooth due to an infection.The color changes on any of your teeth also may be a symptom of infection.In these cases you should visit your dentist immediately and he will probably recomment you root canal treatment.

You may heard that the root canal procedure is not an easy treatment. Actually it is not that difficult. The tiny canals in our teeth may be infected. This causes the pulp inside our teeth also become diseased.In order to remove the infection your dentist or an endodontist should perform the root canal procedure.

First af all the canals are cleaned and then the tooth is covered either with a filling or a porcelain crown. Crowns are more common because they give strength to the tooth itself. The procedure generally takes one or two visits.

After root canal treatment…

How are Dental Root Canals Performed?

Root canal treatment usually require two or more visits depending on the number of infected teeth and level of infection .Also follow-up visits may be needed. Your Endodontist will anaesthetize the area around the affected tooth, or you may prefer the option of mild sedation. Your dentist placed a rubber dental dam and then drill the tooth in order to reach to the pulp area either via the top or the back of the tooth. He can measure the actual root canals only after he removed some of the pulp. This must done to allow the dentist clean the entire canal, thus he will fill the entire canal with the filling material . Either x-rays or electronic imaging devices can be used for actual measuring.